Save On Heating And Cooling With A Digital or Wifi Thermostat
Published April, 2020
Memphis Air Conditioning and Heating can help you save money on your heating and cooling costs
If you want more control over your heating and cooling, or want more efficiency and energy savings, digital and wifi options might be just be for you. Digital thermostats have temperature capabilities through sensors and computer algorithms that can factor in your local weather forecast. Just think about it. You’re on your way home from work and your homes thermostat is set on 65 degrees. Your digital thermostat automatically warms up you home during your commute. When you walk in the door you feel a warm 72 degrees.
With technology advancements digital thermostats have a special resistor called a thermistor. These resistors are basic electrical components that resist the flow of electricity, slowing it down. Thermistors are different than other components of thermostats, because the resistance valve changes with temperature in a predictable way. In thermostats, they run a current through the thermistor and measure the resistance, and use the resistance to calculate the temperature of the air in the room. The system automatically adjusts to the correct temperature to ensure the air conditioner and heater stay at a preferred temperature.
Digital thermostats have built in clocks that indicate time and day of the week. These clocks allow users to set the thermostat ahead of time. The beauty of a digital thermostat is they are adjustable making controlling your heating and cooling a breeze and saves you money. There is also no need to program some of them, because of the auto-schedule feature that allows the thermostat to learn your schedule.
With a Wifi thermostat you can check in on your home or manually adjust the temperature with the application on your phone. Most users program the heat to turn down before they go to bed in the winter, and turn up just before they go to bed in the summer months.
If you are interested in learning more please call Memphis Air Conditioning and Heating at 901-379-1400
Cooling, Digital Thermostat, Heating, Thermostat, Wifi Thermostat